My Blog

This is my blog, which contains the outpouring of my heart and my life story that I experienced..

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ketika semua hanya bisa menyalahkan dan Tak ada penghargaan

Helloooooo…. Long time dont  open this blog, and long time no posting in this blog.. very..very..miss… J

Efek dari  lamaa banget ga nulis di blog atau pun di file yang mana semua isinya curhat doang…hehe…  ga msalah dong nulis, curhat. Itu kebiasaan yang sering banget aku lakuin klo lg kesel sma org, dan kejadian2 selama seharian. Dan semenjak kerja jdi ga pernh nulis lagi, bahkan semua kekesalan, kejengkelan semua Cuma jdi berlalu, efeknya adalah kesel sendiri sampe nangis. Nangis karena kesel dan ga pernah terlampiaskan ke org yg bersangkutan..

Waktu tersita sama kerjaan, kadang kalo bĂȘte di rumah ya menyibukkan diri di tempat kerja. Apa lg dapat kerja di retail yang seperti ini… yaaahh… pada taulah, kerja di mall itu seperti apa.. hari libur pun masuk kerja, di saat semua liburan sama keluarga, tp harus kerja.. dan di saat org kerja, yg ada malah libur. Waktu jarang banget bisa sesuai dan menyatu. Ada rasa dimana perasaan bersalah sama orang di rumah, tapi ya itulah resiko kerja.. mau ga mau, suka ga suka ya harus di terima.. 

Alhamdulillah, bersyukur menikmati semuanya.. allah itu maha adail..pasti akan ada pengganti dari rasa bersalah itu..
Daaannnn hari ini…itu wow days banget, kesel banget, jengkel banget…pokonya semua serba banget.. selalu bermasalah dengan security mall, hal kecil yang simple, yang mudah di pahami seharusnya, tapi malah di besarkan. Selalu tidak menghargai dan tidak ada etika sopannya saat menegur dan berbicara sama org lain. Saya bukan orang bodoh yang tidak mengerti prosedur kerja, saya bukan orang yg suka melanggar peraturan selama peraturan itu jelas, saya bukan orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab saat mengerjakan sesuatu, saya bukan orang yang tidak menghargai pekerjaan orang lain, dan satu, saya bukan orang yang tidak punya etika saat saya berbicara dengan orang yang lebih tua. Mengerti kondisi dengan siapa saya berbicara, dalam konteks apa saya berbicara. Hhmmm…cape sih dan kesel  pake banget, dan kenapa  setiap pekerjaan dan sesuatu itu  selalu aku yang kena imbasnya. Bukan aku yang berbuat, tapi aku yang kena marah. Semua hanya bisa menyalahkan tanpa melihat yang sebenarnya terjadi. ga hari ini aja sih, tapi hari-hari sebelumnya pun juga gtu, tapi ya ga sama security mall, tapi sama temen kerja sendiri yang sifatnya super duper egois, dan ga pernah mau di salahkan, kalo di kasi tanggung jawab ga pernh di selesaikan sendiri, dan selalu mendelegasikan ke orang lain…

Suka bingung sendiri, kesel sendiri.. tapi ya mau gimana lagi, Cuma bisa sabar..sabar..sabar…dan sabar sama satu lagi, NANGIS. Cuma itu sih yg bisa di lakuin..mau marah jg ga bisa, mau ngomel jg ga terlalu.. jadi ya itu aja nangis. Insyaallah allah kasi kuat dan sabar terus ikhlas terima semuanya.

Tapi bersyukur banget punya atasan yang baik, sabar, mengayomi, menasehati, dan temen2 kerja yang menghibur tapi ga sama yang super duper egois. Ga pernh ngerti keadaan org, yg ada maunya selalu di dengerin. Bagaimana bisa mengerti keadaan dan perasaan orang lain kalo ga pernh mau mendengarkan org lain. Bagaimana bisa di hargai kalo ga pernah menghargai hasil kerja, klo yang ada bisanya Cuma komentar negative. Sedih sih punya temen kaya gtu.. pengen kasi tau buat berubah tapi ya gitulah.. menghargai orang lain itu penting.

Terkadang, manusia menutup telinganya untuk bisa melihat dan berbicara tanpa mendengar
Terkadang manusia menutup matanya dan hanya bisa mendengar dan berbicara tanpa melihat
Terkadang manusia menutup mata dan telinganya sehingga hanya bisa berbicara
Memang tiada makhluk sempurna, maka saya hanya bisa mengangguk dan tersenyum karena saya yakin saya terkadang khilaf!
Yyukkk kita sama-sama belajar menghargai :*


Dewi Pornamasari, S.I.Kom


Sometimes we like to think that we could get everything we want. It is hoped it may be , but sometimes we forget , that as human beings we should not have too high expectations . For at the moment the fact that we can not achieve our desires , it would be painful to accept everything . And sometimes , we are often haunted by the fear of doing a thing called the ' Change ' . We fear change . But it happens anyway .

Our lives do not always turn out the way we planned . In fact , they almost never do . In our work , our relationships , and expectations of how things " should be" , there are changes . Most of us are afraid of change . It's human . But as I said earlier , one way , change will happen , we can be aware of it or not . We will never know when and how it changes that occur . But , no matter how small the change , it would always be in our lives . We want to see , know , and understand what is happening to us . We think we can control our lives . But ultimately , we can not .

Change is a place of seeing beyond the life you planned into new possibilities of what life can be . Believe it or not , it 's a change that can make a person think more deeply and more about his life , and will also make a person stronger in the face of any kind . The outside and inside . Change is a way of growing . Like the saying , change is a time of leaving the safe place that ' you know ' and entering the stange place where ' you do not know ' .

Whatever it is , do not ever be afraid of the name change . Because the change will always exist . Always remember , the most beautiful times of day are times of change . Like the seasons , our lives are always turning .

It is here .. In the midst of changing your life when you do not know and can not control what is going to happen that you can finally say , " I do not know " . But whatever it is we are definitely going to wait for the time where we can be ourselves because we have found our true identity . You will discover your own strength as it grows within yourself . You will just be .. You will begin to see things as they really are . You will mystreious Become aware of the unfolding of all life . You will Become open to what is possible .

If life 's own mysterious timing can bring a rose to the fullness of beauty stem from the bare winter .. Think what it can do with your life ..

You will believe in your own new beginning . In certain cases , when we say ' yes ' than 'NO ' , we realize we are not going to be someone who could possibly surprise ourselves . and it's all because of unexpected changes by life . And we will know that life is not completely filled with change . But life is change .

I too have sometimes complained , why life is always like this . I want that like this . And too often we also compare our lives with others . When in fact , with us doing things like that , it's just the same as we do not appreciate what has been given to us . And with that, getting in close roads leading into happiness lyang changes that should happen to us . And it is precisely the attitude we were still able to receive all with what it is , like it happy or difficult , but a moment , believe , that there will be changes . Because the wheel of life it must always spinning . There were over , and there are times when our lives were under ..

That's life . It is mysterious , and strange . Sometimes running is not as what we expected . But it must still be lived , right?

With eyes wide open to what is possible , you will see more than you ever have .. :) You will see what is important and what brings meaning to your life . You will begin a new journey . So , do not ever give up to keep fighting . Because what we do there will be results. And when we 've been able to prove what kind of business we are , sooner or later , everything will change .. :) :)

Be the change that you want the world to see ...

And proud to be yourself .. :)